I, Skyler Bowman, Collector within and for Barry County, Missouri, hereby give notice as provided in Section 140.170 of the Revised Statues of Missouri: that I shall offer for sale the hereinafter described lots and lands to discharge taxes, interest, and charges which may be due thereon in the State of Missouri, County of Barry, for delinquent taxes on real estate at or near the Barry County Courthouse, Cassville, Missouri, on the fourth Monday in August, the 26th day of August, 2024, commencing at ten o'clock a.m. of said day thereafter until all are offered for sale. Said lots and lands situated in Barry County, Missouri and described in forty acre tract or other legal subdivision, and the lots described by number, aggregate amount of taxes, penalty, interest, and cost each year separately states as follows except for lots and lands with an assessed value of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or less are posted in the courthouse: